Sunday, June 12, 2011

Puerta del Sol....still under hostage by protesters

The center of Madrid in Puerta del Sol is beautiful....well it was about a month ago before the protesters arrived.  I am all about protesting to get your views across for a good cause....  However, after about a month of protesters camping out in the center and little being accomplished I am kind of over it.  Maybe I don't have a valid opinion since I, myself, am not a Madrileño but I checked out the action in Puerta del Sol yesterday and this is what I saw: tents, graffiti, hippies, lots of young people smoking weed, a ping pong table with people playing and one small rally with a speaker.  Is this really what has come to a movement that a month ago seemed so powerful?  Puerta del Sol was littered with garbage and graffiti.  I was disgusted.  If you want to create a strong movement you need to RELATE to the general public, get out in the streets and talk to people.  This is what it was like about a month ago when it started but now its just become a sit-in for jobless young people to be lazy and smoke.  Are they really proving a point by doing this?  I think at this point they are just embarrassing themselves.  Nobody is going to take a hippie pothead seriously...Get up, get out and DO something or else just go home.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I love the direction that your writing is moving with this blog. It is definitely becoming a photojournalist's blog: several very powerful photographs intermixed with a brief writing. The blog also seems to be becoming more introspective and more about the real important issues of the world like economy and politics. Thumbs up.
